Elevator Shoes for Work, Part 1: Must-Have Styles

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For some, height increasing shoes are a ‘one-off’: something you buy for a wedding or formal affair. For the ambitious, who wish to improve their lot in life and business, elevator shoes are a part of their arsenal of weapons for rising to the top. No matter what business you are pursuing, your footwear needs to match your environment and culture.

There’s a major difference between the corporate culture of a law firm and a tech startup. In fact, at one Silicon Valley startup, there was no ‘dress code’. One day, an employee showed up wearing a tie. Soon after, more employees showed up to work wearing ties. The big boss cleared up the assumption, by coming to work wearing a tie – over his T-shirt. After that, no more ties were worn.

elevated shoes

You’ll need to know the environment before you choose the right shoes. It’s best if you blend in, rather than test the limits, when it comes to your wardrobe choices. For the conservative, Old-School look, a plain toed Oxford shoe is always correct. Depending upon the choices of those in charge, you can stray from that style only when it aligns with their own choices. The classic Wingtip or Brogue is one example of a style that shouldn’t raise eyebrow among the elite.

As for color choice, go with the color that matches most of your dress wardrobe. For many men, black shoes are best with Black, Gray, and Navy Blue clothes. Brown goes with brown, beige, and camel-hair coloration. The easiest way to tell what works is whether the shoes ‘jump out’ at you, rather than blending in with the fabric of your dress-wear.

Shoes are not an afterthought. They are, literally, the foundation of your dress wardrobe. Give them the consideration they deserve, especially if you’re looking to increase your height, discreetly.